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Autumn fruits

Autumn, with its shorter days and cooler air, is the ideal time to enjoy a wide variety of tasty fruits. These include nuts, citrus fruits and stone and seed fruits. In this article, find out more about the main autumn fruits, their benefits and best storage practices.

Stone and seed fruits are distinguished by the presence of an inedible stone or edible seeds. Among the most popular in autumn are apples, les pears, kiwis and grapes.


The kiwi fruit, a member of the Actinidiaceae family, is easily recognised by its hairy brown skin and juicy green flesh. People love this fruit for its sweet and tangy taste, but also because it’s rich in vitamins, fibre and antioxidants, making it an ideal ally for autumn.

Citrus fruits belong to the Rutaceae family and are distinguished by their juicy pulp, divided into quarters. Limes are one of the most popular citrus fruits in autumn. They are small, with a green skin and acidic, aromatic flesh. Limes are widely used in cooking to add a touch of freshness and pizzazz to your dishes and drinks.

Nuts, characterised by their hard shells, are eaten mainly in autumn. Chestnuts and hazelnuts are the most common. Nuts provide a rich flavour and are often added to hot dishes or pastries.

Beware of allergies : Nuts can cause allergic reactions in some people. If you are sensitive to these allergens, take precautions before eating them.

= When are autumn fruits harvested ? =

Hazelnuts and grapes are harvested between September and October. Then it’s kiwis until November, limes until December, and apples until January. However, chestnuts are harvested between November and December, while pears are picked from November to January.

You can find most of the autumn fruits in Nature Créative Fruits Perlés and Purées.

Kiwi and lime perlés are packaged in 20kg buckets or 500g trays, and can be kept at -18 degrees for 3 years (12 months guaranteed on delivery). We also pack apple and pear purées in 20kg buckets or 1kg trays, and they too can be kept at -18 degrees for 3 years (12 months guaranteed on delivery).

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