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Flower vegetables

= What are flower vegetables ? =

A flower vegetable is a part of a plant that resembles or consists of undeveloped flowers. These vegetables are characterised by their structure in clusters or bouquets, giving them a floral appearance. In the kitchen, they are appreciated for their crunchy texture and delicate flavour, while offering numerous health benefits.

= Focus on broccoli =


Broccoli is a flower vegetable made up of compact heads of small green flowers. Originally from the Mediterranean, it is now grown all over the world. Broccoli is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to its high content of vitamins C and K, as well as fibre. It is also an excellent source of minerals such as calcium and iron. Broccoli can be eaten in a variety of ways: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed or even grilled.

= Focus on cauliflower =

vegetable harvest - cauliflower

Cauliflower is another popular flower vegetable, appreciated for its mild flavour and delicate texture. It has a white or slightly cream-coloured head surrounded by green leaves. Like broccoli, cauliflower is rich in vitamins C and K, as well as fibre and antioxidants. It is also low in calories, making it an excellent choice for a balanced diet. Cauliflower can be prepared in many different ways: roasted, steamed, mashed or even as a rice substitute.

= When are flower vegetables harvested ? =

The harvesting period for flower vegetables depends on the variety, climate and cultivation practices specific to each region. In general, they are harvested from spring to autumn.

More specifically, the broccoli harvest begins in May and continues until early summer. Cauliflowers are harvested from June to October, when the heads are well formed. Brussels sprouts are harvested in autumn, while romanesco, collards and kohlrabi are generally harvested between summer and autumn, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

= How are they stored and packaged ? =

We carefully preserve and pack our frozen flower vegetables to guarantee their freshness and quality. They are available in all sizes, and we offer packaging tailored to the needs of professionals: in 4 x 2.5 kg bags or 10 kg cartons. We have excellent control over farming practices and harvests thanks to our partnership with Pasfrost, a recognised player in the agri-food sector.

Our products can be stored at -18°C and have a guaranteed shelf life of 12 months. 

Find out more about our broccoli, click here 

To find out more about our cauliflowers, click here

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a detailed range of our products.