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Seed vegetables

=What are seed vegetables? =

Seed vegetables are vegetables grown specifically for their edible seeds. Among the best known are peas, lentils and beans. Thanks to their versatility, they enrich our dishes with unique flavor and lend themselves to a variety of preparations: as a side dish, in soups and salads, or pureed for delicious spreads.

= Focus on peas =

petits pois


are herbaceous seeds harvested after their development in pods, before they are fully ripe. Their high fiber and vitamin content make them a popular choice for their nutritional and energy-boosting qualities. Their delicate taste and versatility in the kitchen make them the perfect ingredient for a wide range of recipes. In salads, as a side dish or main course, peas add a touch of freshness and color to our meals.

= Focus on green beans =

Green beans are the immature pods of the common bean. Their green color and fleshy, elongated texture make them tasty and nutritious. Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, green beans are an excellent addition to our diet. They can be steamed, boiled, sautéed or even eaten raw in salads.

= When are seed vegetables harvested ? =

The harvesting period for seed vegetables varies according to the variety of vegetable, the climate and the cultivation practices specific to each region. In general, harvesting takes place from early to late summer.

More precisely, peas are harvested from June to July. Lentils are harvested between July and August. Finally, the best time to harvest green beans is between August and September.

= How are they stored and packaged ? =

We pack our seed vegetables in 10 x 1 kg or 4 x 2.5 kg bags, as well as in 20 or 25 kg bags and 10 kg bulk cartons. We offer peas in extra-fine to medium-fine or uncalibrated sizes, and green beans cut (13mm, 26mm, 3-4cm) or whole (extra-fine to medium-fine).

Our products can be stored at -18°C and have a guaranteed best-before date of 12 months. 

To find out more about our peas, click here

To find out more about our green beans, click here

Please do not hesitate to contact us to receive our detailed product range.